Customer service -- what an oxymoron. I'm embarrassed at the rage I can sometimes feel when engaging with this sort of BS. Our modern age has many wonderful things -- but some not so wonderful as well.

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I guess you don’t want to hear how I spent four hours on the phone with our telecommunications provider so I could cancel our contract. We had to cancel the contract so we could stay with the same company on a different plan. That saves us $100/month. Guess how happy the technician was when he came to install our new services and found we already had everything?!

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What a story! Do you think things are getting better or worse? I've found myself actually being able to contact more real people in service industries than 5 years ago or so. Do you think there's a backlash?

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I think some companies are waking up to find that short term savings are ruining their long term value. Hopefully the tides are turning…

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Paul, I don’t work in the travel in hospitality industry.

But, I really enjoy reading your articles because I feel that there is something for all of us to learn. ☺️

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Thanks so much for your kind comment, Ellie. I enjoy your articles too. Informative and provocative! Keep it up!

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