Jun 8Liked by Paul Moxness

Paul, your writing style is captivating and relatable. It's only surpassed by your genuineness.

I consider you a friend, but I feel like I know you more and more every time I read your articles.

Superbly well done. So glad you’re feeling a bit relieved.

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Thank you for your very kind comment, Gene! It made my day. Hope you’re keeping well, my friend.

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Canada treated me wonderfully when I got VERY bad food poisoning on Vancouver Island. I was barfing all night and even though we were not very well off at that time, I finally insisted Brent take me to the emergency room.

They put me on an IV and kept me overnight. I was weak but wobbly in the morning and we were terrified of what a visit to the emergency room would be. The hospital staff was very apologetic when they presented me with a bill for ... forty bucks.

We were overjoyed, paid, and flew out of there before they realized they were missing at least one zero.

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Ugh, food sickness is a painful bummer. (Pun partially intended…) Happy to hear you were taken good care of in Victoria. I certainly feel fortunate to have the healthcare system we have here.

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Do you think Canada's healthcare system has gone down in the last few years? I hear a lot of people complain. In Vancouver, most people I know can't get a family doctor.

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